English-medium instruction (EMI) at university: Challenges and ways forward
EMI (English-medium instruction) teachers are often dissatisfied with the quality of support their higher education institutions offer when faced with the many challenges that EMI poses. One such challenge is the EMI teacher’s role regarding language issues. This is a crucial matter as the vast majority of EMI lecturers in Europe are non-native speakers of English, specialists in their field as opposed to being language experts. Neglecting the linguistic aspect on EMI courses may eventually negatively affect students’ learning outcomes.
In this workshop EMI experts from different European contexts will present theoretical frameworks, practical implications and recommendations to be implemented in the classroom. In addition, the workshop will include a panel discussion in which EMI lecturers teaching at the University of the Basque Country (UPV/EHU) will talk about their own experiences and address questions proposed by the audience.
The workshop is aimed at secondary education and university EMI teachers, university students and researchers, but it also intends to cater for all those interested in foreign language acquisition, as the issues dealt with should be applicable to any L2. The workshop will be held entirely in English.